Volkssturm Militia

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The Volkssturm (German for "people's storm"), was a national militia established by Nazi Germany as a last-ditch attempt to fend of the Allied forces closing in on Germany as part of the total war effort.

It was set up by the Nazi Party under orders of Adolf Hitler, and its existence was officially announced on 18th October, 1944. However, the Volkssturm were ill-equipped and lacked basic training, ending with their demise in the final stages of World War II.


With the war going badly for the Axis, Germany became desperate on repelling the Allies. Drawing inspiration from the Prussian Landsturm, the Nazi Party formed the Volkssturm on September 26th, but its existence wasn't acknowledge by the public until October 16th, 1944.

Consisting of conscripted males aged 16 to 60 with some hailing from the Hitler Youth. The Volkssturm was depicted as the resistance of the German people. Females were also conscripted into the Volkssturm. However they were assigned to auxiliary roles such as artillery squadrons.

However this was only a ruse as in-reality the Volkssturm were ill-equipped, lacked basic training, and were vastly outnumbered by the incoming Allied forces. The average mortality rate of a Volkssturm conscript was high.


The Volkssturm were added in the early development stages of Call to Battle 2. Interestingly, the Volkssturm don't have a universal uniform. Uniforms are randomized formal civilian clothing prior to spawning.


  • Rifleman: Players start with the Gewehr-98.
  • Assault: Players start with the MP-3008.
  • Technician: Players start with the Panzerfaust 60.
  • Support: Players start with the MG-34 loaded with a drum magazine.


Below is a list of weapons used by the Volkssturm in-game.

Bolt-action Rifles

  • Gewehr-98
  • Volksgewehr-1
  • Volkskarabiner-98


  • Walther-Toggle Lock M1918

Automatic Rifles

  • Volkssturmgewehr 1-5 (kit item)


  • Volkspistole

Submachine Guns

  • Maschinenpistole 3008


  • Maschinengewehr 34


  • Model 24 Stick Grenade
  • Model 24 'Nebelhandgranate'


  • S84/98 III Bayonet
  • Broom (kit item)


  • Einstoßflammenwerfer-46
  • Panzerfaust 60





  • The Volkssturm is one of the factions with the least amount of map appearances.
  • Interestingly, they always fight alongside the Wehrmacht.
    • With the addition of Castle Itter, the Volkssturm in that map fight along side the United States, possibly as a filler for the Austrian resistance.
  • Remagen is the only map where the Volkssturm are fighting against the US instead of the USSR
  • The Volkssturm is the only faction to not have a universal uniform as they are randomized prior to spawning.