Game Modes

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In Call to Battle 2 there is a few of different game modes.


  • The attacking team can win by capturing all the points but they lose if the timer runs out and by losing all their lives.
  • The Defending team can win by defending until the timer runs out or by killing the other team until they run out of lives, they can also recapture points they have lost.


  • Both Teams start with even amount of capture points
  • The Team with most points by the end of the timer wins, A Team can also win by capturing all the points

Final Stand

  • The attacking team can win by capturing all the points but they lose if the timer runs out and by losing all their lives.
  • The Defending team can win by defending until the timer runs out or by killing the other team until they run out of lives.
  • The Defending team can't recapture points they have lost, when they lost a point, they have lost it forever


  • Both Teams start with no capture points
  • there is a bunch uncaptured points around the map that both teams need to capture and hold to gain victory points
  • more capture points you have, the faster you victory points
  • gain enough victory points to win

King of the Hill

  • hold on to the capture point to earn points
  • gain more points then the other team before the time wants out or gain enough points to win
  • at that start of the game both teams start with 0 points


  • you can place down a radio by pressing
  • at that start of the game both teams start with 0 points
  • you gain points by controlling large sections of the map