The Soviet Union

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The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (abbreviated as USSR, commonly known as the Soviet Union) was a nation that existed from 1922 until 1991.

It is featured in Call to Battle 2 as the setting for most Eastern Front maps.


The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic succeeded the provisional government that was established after the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. After a bloody civil war, the RSFSR became the USSR, encompassing multiple Soviet republics such as Ukraine and Byelorussia, instead of a single republic.

Following Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924, he was succeeded by Joseph Stalin. Stalin conducted the great purge, which saw the executions of several Communist Party members, high-ranking officials of the Soviet Army, and people deemed as "enemies of the state". The former became a key factor of Soviet casualties measuring in the thousands during Operation Barbarossa.

In September 1st, 1939. The Soviet Union along with Nazi Germany invaded Poland, partitioning it between the two and beginning the Second World War. Prior to the invasion, both countries signed a non-aggression pact that would later be violated by Germany's invasion of the USSR in mid-1941.


The Soviet Union is featured as the setting for most maps set in the Eastern Front. The rest are set in Germany.



Below are a list of maps set in the Soviet Union.

  • Barbarossa / USSRicon.png vs GermanybaseGUI.png Romaniabase.png
  • Izbushensky / USSRicon.png vs Italybase.png
  • Stalingrad / USSRicon.png vs GermanybaseGUI.png
    • Grain Factory / USSRicon.png vs GermanybaseGUI.png
    • Pavlov's House / USSRicon.png vs GermanybaseGUI.png Italybase.png Romaniabase.png
    • Red October / USSRicon.png vs GermanybaseGUI.png Italybase.png
  • Sevastopol / USSRicon.png vs GermanybaseGUI.png Romaniabase.png
  • Spartanovka / USSRicon.png vs GermanybaseGUI.png Italybase.png
  • Depot / USSRicon.png vs GermanybaseGUI.png Romaniabase.png Italybase.png



  • The Soviet Union lasted for 69 years.

