Kingdom of the Netherlands

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The Kingdom of the Netherlands is one of the newest factions added to Call to Battle 2.

It is unknown whether or not the Dutch East Indies will be added or what content lies in the future for the Netherlands.


Formed in 1814, in response to the Orangist uprising against Napoleonic rule a year prior. The Dutch Army previously consisted of several militias and veterans of the Staatse Leger, the predecessor of the Dutch Army.

Many years later, the Netherlands pursued a policy of neutrality during World War I based on the belief that its position between the German Empire, German-occupied Belgium, and the British guaranteed safety. However, Dutch neutrality was not guaranteed by the major powers of Europe.

During World War II, the Wehrmacht swept through the Low Countries (including the Netherlands). While the Dutch Army were able to slow the German advance, they were eventually overwhelmed.


The Netherlands was added in the 5.7 update, the first update in the Fall Gelb update cycle.


  • Rifleman: The Rifleman class wears a blue uniform, a rifleman pattern consisting of two ammunition pouches, suspenders, and a green M34 helmet. The Rifleman class currently only has the Geweer M.95 unlocked by default.
  • Technician: Same uniform as the Rifleman class. The Technician class has the Karabijn No.5 as it's only unlock.
  • Support: The Support class lacks the pattern worn by the previous classes. Players start with the Lewis Gun.


Below is a list of weapons used by The Netherlands in-game.

Bolt-Action Rifles

  • Geweer M.95
  • Karabijn No.5
  • Karabijn No.4
  • Karabijn No.3
  • Beaumont-Vitali M.1871/88

Light/Heavy Machine Guns

  • M.26 Karabijnmitrailleur
  • Lewis M.20




  • The Netherlands used to be referred to as "Dutchland" by one of the modelers.
  • The Netherlands as of 5.7.2 has the least amount of guns of any country and is the only faction to have no kits.