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Suomussalmi is a map in Call to Battle 2. The map is set during the Winter War and the Battle of Suomussalmi, that ended in a Finnish victory.


The map is set during the Battle of Suomussalmi in Finland. It combines snowy terrain with hilly surfaces. Vegetation is limited to being near trees as most of it is covered in snow. A few buildings are present and some debris can be used as cover. Urban combat is also present and mostly occurs in the second objective of the map.


Allied Forces
  • USSRicon.png Soviet Union
  • USSRicon.png Rifleman
  • USSRicon.png Assault
  • USSRicon.png Technician
  • USSRicon.png Support
  • USSRicon.png Marksman
Tickets 50
Role Attackers
Axis Forces
  • Finlandicon.png Finland
  • Finlandicon.png Rifleman
  • Finlandicon.png Assault/Technician
  • Finlandicon.png Support
Tickets 50
Role Defenders


Suomussalmi has 4 objectives, in conquest.

First Line

The first and arguably the easiest objective to capture. Soviet forces move in from tanks located to the front of First Line. They can use the trees as cover from Finnish machine guns. Finnish troops meanwhile can use the snowy hills as a power position, especially if they are wearing snow camouflaging. First Line contains a trench that must be captured in order to proceed to the second objective, making close quarters combat very common. Soviet forces must hold the line against Finnish forces who can charge from behind the hills.


The second objective of Suomussalmi, Barn may be difficult to capture as Soviet forces need to move in from the open and there is little cover to protect them. This can be nullified by snipers or machine guns positioned on the hills after capturing First Line. A downed Yakolev Yak-9 located near Barn can be used as cover.


Intersection is the third objective, after Barn. Situated in a town, this makes urban combat commonplace. Finnish forces have the upper hand against Soviet forces as they have SMGs within their arsenal.


Church is the fourth and final objective of the map. Soviet forces are required to capture a church located across the river. They may swim to the church but risk getting shot at. Making the only feasible way through is via the bridge.



  • Suomussalmi is one of the only maps set in the Winter War, the other being Taipale.