Market Garden

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Market Garden is a map in Call to Battle 2. The map is set during Operation Market Garden, a failed Allied attempt to create a bridgehead across the River Rhine and into northern Germany.


The map is set during Operation Market Garden in the Netherlands. Although not depicted accurately, in-terms of size, the layout remains similar. The town of Arnhem is featured in Market Garden as an objective and even has its own standalone map. The map mixes both open and urban combat.


Allied Forces
  • UKbase.png United Kingdom
  • USbase.png United States
  • USbase.png UKbase.png Paratrooper
Tickets 200
Role Attackers
Axis Forces
  • GermanybaseGUI.png Third Reich
  • GermanybaseGUI.png Rifleman
  • GermanybaseGUI.png Assault
  • GermanybaseGUI.png Technician
  • GermanybaseGUI.png Support
  • GermanybaseGUI.png Marksman
Tickets Approx. 50
Role Defenders


Market Garden has 5 objectives, in conquest.


The first objective of the map, US and British forces parachute in from static C-47s barely visible in the sky to units on the ground. Although very open, Outskirts contains a couple of hay bales perfect for cover against machine gun emplacements and snipers. Near the Outskirts is a German stationary area that contains sandbags useful for cover on the German side. A forest can be found near Outskirts that the Germans can use as cover. Two MG-42 emplacements can also be found in the streets, one with a Lafette tripod near a crater and another on an Sd.Kfz. 52.

Edge of Town

After capturing Outskirts, the Allied forces then need to capture Edge of Town, located roughly near Outskirts. Urban combat is not common place in the objective, though. as most of the combat takes place in the streets near the bridge. The roof of the building near the river can used as a power position for capturing the third objective. An ammunition box can be found near the Sd.Kfz. 52, behind a pile of debris.

A Bridge Too Far

A Bridge Too Far is the third objective after Edge of Town. The actual bridge is supposed to be longer, however. A Bridge Too Far contains crates, sandbags, and debris useful as cover. An MG-42 emplacement is located to the left of the objective that can jeopardize capturing as it overlooks most of the objective. This can be combated by a sniper who is positioned in the roof of the building near the river in Edge of Town, as mentioned before. An artillery barrage can occur in the objective, creating a large hole on the bridge.

Arnhem Limits

Arnhem Limits is the fourth objective of the map. Located outside the town of Arnhem, fighting takes place in the streets. Sandbags in the objective can be useful for cover. Mid-way to capturing the final objective, an ammunition box can be found near debris, outside of the spruce wood building.


Arnhem is the fifth and final objective of the map. Taking place inside of the town of Arnhem, this makes urban combat very common place, thus weapons such as shotguns or SMGs are useful for capturing the objective.



  • The third objective is named after the 1977 film, "A Bridge Too Far", that is based on the events of Operation Market Garden.
  • The river at the bottom of the bridge is hollow, causing players to fall through the world should they attempt to dive, swimming is also not an option as players can get killed by enemy fire, making flanking impossible.

