Kenpeitai Kit

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The Kenpeitai Kit is a kit in Call to Battle 2, it is available in the Imperial Japanese faction and is based on the organization of the same name.


As its name suggest, the Kenpeitai Kit is based on the organization of the same name. The Kenpeitai were infamously known for arresting or killing anyone that exhibited "non patriotic thoughts".

The Kenpeitai also treated Allied P.O.Ws with extreme brutality. Because of that, many members of the Kenpeitai were trialed for human rights abuse.

In-game, the Kenpeitai Kit includes the Nambu Type 2 B, an experimental submachine gun that is able to switch between 3 variable rates of fire, similar to that of the Browning Automatic Rifle. And the Kenpeitai Officer uniform.

Exclusive Items

  • Nambu Type 2 B Type2b.png: An experimental SMG that is able to switch through different rates of fire.
  • Kenpeitai Officer Uniform KenpeitaiCap.pngKenpShirt.png: A uniform similar to that of the SS Officer uniform.



  • The 兵 symbol on the armband means "soldier", in Japanese.

